It is a wonderful thing to be able to have physical strength, but it does not happen without some effort. Happily, the development of physical strength is measurable, but to enjoy the long-term benefits, it takes strength of mind to achieve an even greater result.
We all face different challenges every day, many of which are minor, but some of them require strategy, thinking and mental endurance. Mental endurance is the ability to exercise inner strength, and the ability to deal effectively with all challenges. This requires a certain degree of willpower, self-discipline, and the ability to persevere. It’s about learning to keep the mind focused upon the task, without being mentally distracted, and about learning to stay on track with goals, no matter how tough the going or how tired the body is. We know this as strength of mind.
Physical training, particularly a martial art, is as important for the body as it is for the mind. It develops the ability to focus on the task, improves concentration, self discipline and mental endurance. Plus it’s heaps good fun :).
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