Setting Boundaries with Children

This book is a follow-up of the excellent Boundaries by the authors Dr Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend, and was recommended to me when my children were younger.  I found it invaluable, both with my children and with the other relationships in my life. As a martial arts instructor, the principles learned from this [...]

2018-07-05T11:14:13+10:0025 December, 2017|Article, Recommended reading|0 Comments

Discipline, with Happy Faces

“Positive Discipline” - Dr Jane Nelsen.  The key to positive discipline is mutual respect.  Nelsen coaches parents and teachers to be both firm and kind, so that any child from a three-year-old toddler to a rebellious teenager can learn creative co-operation and self-discipline with no loss of dignity. The feedback from parents to whom we [...]

2018-07-05T11:14:14+10:004 August, 2015|Recommended reading|0 Comments
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