Our Programs
Children: 5-7 & 8-11 years
When we are having fun, we learn better
That goes double for our younger students.
In separate groups for 5-7 years and 8-11 years, young girls and boys enjoy training tailored to meet their specific learning needs. Specially designed games develop self-defence skills in the most fun possible way, and the children gain the physical and equally-important emotional and verbal tools to deal appropriately with conflict–bullying being just one example.
Since we’re big on holistic development in our martial artists, attention is also given to good manners, sportsmanship and concentration, and we both model and encourage responsible behaviours, respect, kindness and helpfulness.
5-7 years
The aim of starting young is for the skills to become completely natural, and the way to keep our young ones engaged is to make the activity as much fun as possible. They learn how to break a fall, defend from strikes, and how to be aware of surroundings to get help quickly if needed.

8-11 years
With the same aim in mind of building self-defence skills as a natural reflex, training for 8-11 years is run along similar lines to that for 5-7 years. Sparring is introduced from 8 years to refine self-defence skills in a more realistic format.
Young Adults: 12-17 years
Young adults benefit from structured guidance to keep safe against threatening behaviour.
More technical aspects of self-defence are practised, such as throws and joint locks (to control an opponent), breaking falls and rolling (to prevent injury as a result of being pushed or thrown), and defence against a variety of weapons.
Strong emphasis is placed on commitment and goal-setting.
Sparring is at a more advanced level for this group and puts into practice the self-defence skills learned in a more realistic form. (Lightweight protective gear required.)
Leader & Instructor Program
Are you timid and nervous around people?
Would you like to be more assured and independent?
Our Leader/Instructor Program, available to students 8 years and over, is developing exceptional young people who are capable of managing student groups of all different ages, including their peers, with grace, confidence and great poise.
Beginning with assisting in group activities, participants in this Program move to leading whole sections of a class. Beyond this again, they begin teaching the simpler skills before taking on more complex drills and techniques at the advanced levels.
As an Assistant Instructor, learn to direct classes, including managing the various levels of leaders while doing so, looking as if you were born to it.
Through involvement in this Program, Leaders and Instructors discover the enormous benefit to their own martial arts and leadership skills and that stepping outside one’s comfort zone is very rewarding!
Our Leader/Instructor courses also count toward Duke of Edinburgh certification.
Self-Defence for Women & Girls
Are you a woman concerned about personal safety?
Exclusively for women and girls, we offer a range of learning experiences designed to give women the necessary tools to protect themselves from harm.
Since a martial art can take years of training to master, we take the best and most relevant techniques and deliver them in simple-to-learn packages. Each course teaches strategies to empower women against a would-be assailant and to prevent such situations from occurring.
Simply contact us to organise a course that perfectly suits your needs.
Self-Defence as a School Extracurricular
During and After School Courses – School Elective / PDHPE Supplemental Courses
Some students prefer to study a different martial art or sport from the one their school currently offers. We provide structured courses, and are able to work with school timetables.
There are three important reasons why Gendai Jujutsu is one of the best martial arts to have in your school:
Instructors who are both great martial artists and fully-qualified, with experience teaching in schools and communicating outcomes and expectations at all stages to each student, including goal-setting to achieve up to 1st Degree Black Belt–and beyond
Courses are planned specifically for the different age groups, with class activities and drills designed for maximum fun and engagement to achieve both physical and mental stimulation
For parents, regular updates of upcoming events, including what’s required for quarterly assessments, and the availability of our instructors to discuss student progress.